Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 1 at the MTC 8/14/2013

       Well hello there my lovely family and friends! How is everyone? I hope all
is well at home (I mean I know I have only been gone for a week, but I
everyone keeps telling me how Vegas will probably fall into a pit or
something while I am gone) haha So just making sure everyone is still
alive. It's funny, every time I tell someone I am from Vegas they just look
at me, put there hand on my shoulder, and tell me I am in a better place
now. Utah kids... I swear.
Mom, I know you want to know all about every moment of this week, but
honestly I couldn't remember every detail if my life depended on it. It has
been a crazy busy 7 days here in Provo and it all kind of blends together,
but alas I shall do my best. From the second I headed up the hill walking
away from you all I have felt nothing, but love from the people here.
Between the other missionaries, my teachers, and even the investigators.
Everyone has so much love! So don't worry I have been taken good care of.
My district is absolutely wonderful and my companion is even greater! Her
name is sister Ormsby. She is 21, from Australia and has an auto-immune
disease that keeps her from being able to grow hair. SO when you see
pictures don't be surprised by the fact that she is bald. She is so funny
about it though. The other day at lunch the President of the MTC came up to
our district and spoke with us for a moment and then asked to meet with her
and I later that day. At first I was like oh my gosh the PRESIDENT of the
MTC wants to meet with US??? She looked at me and goes, "Sister, it's
because I'm BALD!" ahah That really is why he wanted to meet with us. He
thought she had cancer, but it was still really great to meet with him and
his wife. The other companionship in our district and I are considering
shaving our heads because really there are just too many perks! Last night
we went to a devotional by Richard G. Scott, which was mind blowingly
awesome, and she turns to me and says maybe if I stand up he will see I am
bald and want to meet with us. Should I do it!?
I feel like I have so much more to share with you all, but I am out of
time so I will have to wrap up. I just wanted to share with you all how
much I really do love being here. I have grown so much closer to my father
in heaven. I am by no means a perfect teacher, but when I rely I on the
spirit My companion and I teach so much more effectively. I love my savior
and I am grateful to know that he knows exactly what I am going through. He
can lift me up when I need it, but also he can bring me down when it is
needed as well. Elder Scott taught last night that Sometimes we are brought
to our lowest only so we can learn and grow in faith as heavenly father
brings us back up. I love you all Have a wonderful week!
Lots of love,
Sister Upshaw
P.s. Oh ya, I was also called as a Sister training leader! Being called to
that was definitely a tender mercy. Heavenly father knew I needed to be
able to turn outward and think of others so I wouldn't be focused on
myself. Believe me, as I prepare for 14 new sisters to arrive today I
definitely have had no time to think of myself! Whoo I can't believe I have
already been here for a whole week. Time is flying by!
P.s.s. Write me on dear elder! It's free and I want to hear from you!

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