Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hello there everyone! 9/30/2013

This week has been quite the adventure! Absolutely nothing went the way we
had planned! It all started when we got a call saying we needed to share
our car with another companionship about 30 miles away. We had already done
our planning and had apointments scheduled, but we had to give them the car
for the week. So we decided that we would manage with our bikes and try to
get rides from members so we could still do everything we had already
planned. However Sister Nebeker's bike decided to have a flat tire so we
had to get that fixed then the very next day my bike pretty much fell apart
while I was ridding and we were right in the heart of the ghetto. SWEET!
haha So we bust out our tool box and did our best to repair it. We could
not figure out what was wrong. The tire just wouldn't rotate. It was so
weird! After about 15 minutes of tinkering we just sat down and started
laughing. Seriously nothing had been going the way we planned. We stood up
and I tried to move the bike and then it moved! What the heck right!? So we
rode on to the appointment we had, but he wasn't home, but his neighbors
where! Long story short we ended up meeting two of the most amazing people
ever and they are now taking the lessons! Whoo Things like that happened
all week! Only ONE of our scheduled appointments kept there appointment!
ONE! Somehow we still had a full teaching schedule. Clearly there were
other places we needed to be. Alright I am almost out of time so summary of
the rest of my week. We had an awesome Zone conference with Elder Teh (he
is in the seventy). I was able to see Sister Ormsby there (my MTC
companion) so that was fun. Oh and my absolute favorite investigator
decided to be baptized!!! SHELL! Ahhh it was amazing to be there for that.
Shell you are amazing and I love you so much! It was kind of weird to see
Mom and Dad, but no worries I am recovering just fine. No more surprise
visits though okay? Me getting to go was another one of those unplanned
things... I had decided not to go once I found out Mom and Dad were going
and my mission president agreed that was best. Then Saturday morning I
received a phone call from president Cusik and he said that he had been
thinking about it and he felt I needed to be there. I am so grateful for a
mission president who truly cares about all of his missionaries. He is
pretty awesome. I know I jumped around a lot, but just know that I had an
amazing week full of miracles and even when our plans don't work out the
way we thought they would the Lord always has something better in store for
us. I love you all so much! Have a great week and stay safe!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw

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