Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Giant Sister Missionary Eating Spider! 9/9/2013

Oh my goodness this week has been grand! We have been ridiculously busy!
Three times this week we had to cut diner to about 10 minutes because we
had too much to do and yesterday we skipped it altogether! I am by no means
complaining though. That is a wonderful problem to have!
Madre, You asked if I had ridden my bike yet. Yes! I finally did! I was so
excited... for k\like 10 minutes and then I wanted to die! just kidding it
really wasn't that bad. Sister Nebeker told me I was very graceful for a
first time skirt bike rider!
That was adventure number one of the week. Adventure number two was more of
a horror story! We were attempting to visit someone up in the northern part
of our area which is also strait backwoods country kind of stuff. (Ya, this
city girl is LOST) anyway so we are knocking on a door and long story short
I see this GIANT spider web out of the corner of my eye! It was huge! like
6 feet in diameter! Then I spot the nasty little bugger that lives there! I
kid you not this spider was literally the size of a grown mans hand. the
body was the size of a palm and the legs were longer than fingers! Sister
Nebeker insisted on taking a picture with it. She startled it and made it
spaz. Before she could even move I was back in the car with the doors
locked. I have nightmares about this thing! ughhhh It's just not natural...
On another note...
The work is exploding here in Gibsonia. Our teaching pool is the largest it
has ever been since they opened the area a few years ago. Ahhhhhh It is
just so wonderful! One of our investigators is getting baptized on Sunday.
This man is amazing! He has completely changed his life around in just the
short time I have been here. He always tells us that if he is doing this
then he is going to do it 100%. Sister Nebeker and I float out of our
lessons with him. I think I already told you this, but that entire family
is my happy place! haha Someone else that I have grown to love as family is
G. He is such a sweet and caring old man! We were going to set a date
for him to be baptized, but he had a pretty bad fall this week while
working on his car. Something happened with his heart and he past out and
hit his head on the concrete. He is in the TICU right now, but we visit him
as often as we can. The first thing he said to us when we visited him at
the hospital was, " It could have been so much worse sisters. God aint done
with me yet. He blessed me." He is amazing at finding the blessing in
everything. Something kind of cool that happened yesterday. For some reason
we decided that we needed top go see G, even though a few people from
the ward had already gone to check in on him. We planned to go right after
church, but put it off until later and then finally we decided that we
really needed to go right then. As we walked up to his room someone else
had just gotten there to see him too. Turns out it was her daughter and
after we had gotten to talking about Christ and blessings and a little
about the church she told us that she had been trying to get to the
hospital since 1 PM ( it was now 6). Apparently BOTH of her cars had dead
batteries and she had to wait for someone to come jump them. I told her
maybe there was a reason we needed to be there at the same time. She
responded that she had always wondered about the Mormons and she would like
to know more. Miracles ladies and gentlemen! You can't tell me that TWO
cars having dead batteries and our plans getting switched around is just a
coincidence. I am so grateful for the blessings I have received and been
apart of since being here in Florida. It truly is amazing how much we don't
recognize Heavenly Father's hand in our lives. I have such a testimony of
the joy and peace that comes from just taking a moment to recognize all
that we have been given. I know that Heavenly father loves each of us. He
sent his son to pay for our sins and when we feel like our lives are unfair
or that he is allowing too much to happen to us, try to remember what
Christ's life was like. God didn't make his life easy. So why do we expect
ours to be? I love each of you so much! Mom, you are amazing! I thank
Heavenly father every day for my family. I have the greatest parents,
sisters, brother, in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles,
grandparents and adopted family that I could ever ask for. (My friends are
pretty great too) I love you and miss you all! I hope you have a wonderful
week! Stay safe!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw

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