Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The sunshine state! Where it rains everyday at 3 O'clock... 10/14/2013

Hot dog this has been a splendid week! We were blessed with SEVEN new
people to teach this week! The Lord is blessing sister Nebeker and I so
much. All of our investigators are making changes in there lives and the
blessings that have come from that are incredible. It is so exciting to see
people change for the better and to know the Lord has allowed me to be a
part of that.
Ahhh everything about Florida is just great. The people are great, the
members are strong, and the weather is gorgeous! (even when it rains) I
love it here! Funny story about the rain here. It seriously only rains on
weeks that we are on bikes. I really don't have a problem with that because
rain makes me happy and we get sympathy when we show up at peoples doors
drenched. It definitely has it's perks! However, my bike is not as much of
a fan of the rain as I am. Tuesday morning we headed out and the weather
was gorgeous. We were biking and we get to the only hill in all of Florida
and just as we reach the top my right pedal broke off! We pull off to the
side of the road and try to screw it back in and out of nowhere it starts
to pour! It was one of the hardest down pours I have seen since I have been
here. You know how it happens in the movies where a sad thing happens and
then instantly it starts pouring rain and you're just like, "seriously?
that doesn't happen!" I've got news for ya. IT DOES! So we hop back on our
bikes and ride as fast as we can. Mind you I have one pedal and am in a
skirt. Try it sometime! WE got back to the apartment soaking wet! through
our clothes in the dryer, fixed my bike and headed out again. The rain
stopped and this time we didn't make it out of the complex before my pedal
broke and then it poured rain. This happened 3 TIMES!!! Each time my pedal
fell off it started to pour. My bike can predict the weather! It's pretty
magical! For the time being I am borrowing a bike from another missionary
which has pretty much the world's hardest seat ever! Lets just say I am
stoked that we have the car this week!
Enough of me complaining. It really isn't that bad. I am getting some
pretty sick leg muscles! Somehow though I am gaining weight! It is a
mission phenomenon! I eat less and exercise more and still gain weight!!!
That's okay though. The Hispanic women all say that Mama will love me more
if I am round so that's the goal! Just kidding! Mama loves me plenty!
Oh I almost forgot! I spoke in church yesterday! I had to give a 15 minute
talk and was freaking out because I had no time to prepare. Sister Nebeker
and I would be ridding our bikes discussing our topics. It went great
though. The spirit definitely directed everything I said and I wanted to
share some of things that I learned/ realized more fully from both my talk
and Sister Nebeker's. first I think I am starting to understand how much
God not only loves each of his children, but also how much he trusts us. He
has saved each and every person here on the earth at this time for a
reason. We have a specific responsibility he needs us to carry out to
assist in his plan. Each of us is more important than we could possibly
comprehend. Then this morning I was reading in Mathew chapter 6 verses
27-30. It talks about the Lilies of the field. Christ is telling the
people that Heavenly Father has put such great care into the creation of a
simple flower that wont be here long. If he is willing to do that how much
more attention and care does he give us? His children. I am beginning to
understand what God wants for us and how much he wants us to be the very
best we can be. It brings me such hope and joy as I study the scriptures
and feel of his love for me. From all the emails I have been getting I am
very aware that He has been blessing my family back home as well as the
people here. I know that our savior loves me. I know he loves each of you.
I also know that our Father in heaven loves me and loves each of you. If
you doubt that for a second I hope you know that is Satan's influence. Have
a wonderful week everyone! Remember how great your worth is and in times of
trials lean on the savior's atonement. Know that he has spent time
experiencing the very things you are experiencing. I love you all so much
and am grateful for your support. I feel your prayers and I pray for you
Love always,
Sister Upshaw
P.s. Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith

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