Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The nomadic life of sister Upshaw 9/3/2013

That subject line will make sense later in this email I promise!
Hello family and friends! I hope all is well in the desert wasteland we
call home! Seriously I never realized how brown Vegas was until now.
Florida is so ridiculously green and beautiful! It goes from city to
country in my area like every other block and I love it! My area is right
in the heart of good ol' Polk county. One of the members here told me my
first week out that Polk stood for People Of Little Knowledge and lets just
say I am starting to understand what he meant. haha People here are
interesting, but also they are wonderful! It kind of reminds me of the
stories Dad would tell us about his family in Oklahoma. They accept me as
one of their own when I tell them about some of our family's redneck
qualities. I just have to tell them I own a pontoon and explain all of
Dad's make shift inventions and they practically beg me to come in and tell
them more. I'm spreading that redneck word padre! ahah Really though the
people are great. We have been crazy busy teaching, which is wonderful
because the days have been flying! It has settled down a bit though because
they transferred sister Godwin and gave the Highland Elders all of
Highland. So now sister Godwin and I have been exiled to Gibsonia and we
aren't quite as busy, but they did let us keep one family down in the other
area. We have already set a baptismal date so they allowed us to keep them.
Which I am grateful for because I absolutely love the entire family! Oh
this is where the whole nomadic life comment comes in. Since we had two
areas we also had two apartments and it was crazy. We had to buy two of
everything! and we were constantly forgetting different things at each
apartment like shoes and scriptures. Due to our mile restrictions we
couldn't just go to the other apt and get it so we had to do without. It
was insane! Now that we are back to just one area we are also down to one
apt so we had to pack up the Highlands apt and bring it all over to
Gibsonia. So that is why three weeks into the transfer I am still living
out of my suitcases. Really though I am glad we have been so busy. So no
complaints here!
I don't have too much time, but this week has bee fabulous. Since yesterday
was a holiday president thought it would be a good idea to move P-day to
today so we could go see people while they were out of school and off work.
While at first we were kind of bummed it turned out to be a really good
thing. We were able to see a lot of people that we normally have trouble
catching. One of those being G. G was an investigator who had a
baptism date and everything, but his brother past away a few weeks ago and
we lost contact. We had a great lesson with him that ended with all of us
in tears and were able to set up another date. He reminds me a lot of PaPa.
He acts all grumpy, but once you get to talking with him you see how sweet
he is. Love you PaPa! You better be behaving yourself! I love you too
Grams! I have so many more people I want to tell you about, but my time is
up and not to say that you don't care, but I know you are probably skimming
this section anyway haha.
In an attempt to end this email on a spiritual note here is something that
has become very apparent to me in the last month, wow I have already been
out a month? Weird... Anyway in the last month I have gained a better
understanding of the atonement. I have always understood and appreciated the
fact that Christ died for our sins and through that we have the importunity
to return to our father in heaven. What I never thought too much on was the
fact that he also suffered for our sins. Which means he has a perfect
understanding of our trials and he can sympathize better than anyone else.
So why is it that when something goes wrong we turn to worldly things when
the obvious answer is to turn to our father in heaven and our savior?
I love you all and I hope everything is going splendidly in sin city and
wherever else you might be! Have a wonderful week. Until next P-day!
Love, Sister Upshaw

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