Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Greetings mi Famillia! 8/26/2013

Here's the thing, I am pretty sure I was meant to be called Spanish
speaking because clearly I am fluent in the language (refer to the subject
line of this email). Just kidding I should probably figure out how to speak
English properly before I move on to anything else.... Ya?
Well, as I am sure you know by now, I arrived to Florida safe and sound! I
had to say goodbye to the most amazing people (my MTC district) on Tuesday.
It was way sad and became even sadder when I realized this will be
happening just about every transfer! Lame sauce! Anywhoo, I am currently
serving in a Trio with Sister Nebeker and Sister Godwin and we are covering
TWO areas! We are pretty sure what happened is sister Godwin's companion
didn't make it out this transfer because she had heart surgery. So until
she makes it out here we are balancing two areas that aren't even next to
each other! Gibsonia and Highland! Crazy stuff right? It looks like in 3
weeks we will be spliting and I will stay in Gibsonia with Sister Nebeker,
but we shall see. They are fabulous trainers! I have learned so much about
the blessings that come from EXACT obedience. Seriously in one week I have
already seen great things happen, but for the sake of ending on a spiritual
note, I will tell you about that later.
So here is Chelsea's horror story of the week. Once upon a time a girl from
Vegas who has a terrible phobia of bugs went into the home of a less active
member for dinner. (Do see where this is going yet?) SO we get in and we
sit down in the living room. We shared our message with them and visited
for a little bit. After about 20 minutes we went into the kitchen to get
our food.  TWO HUGE COCKROACHES come crawling out from underneath the sink.

It took everything Ihad in me not to scream and run out of that house crying. You would

havebeen so proud Dad! I just took a deep breath, grabbed the a piece of

meat and sat down without saying a word. Remember when president Winder told me I

would feel prompted to run at some point in my mission? Well I am pretty sure that was

the moment he was talking about! I mean I am still learning how to better understand the
promptings of the spirit, but there was definitely a voice in my head saying, "Get the

heck out!".  I am glad I did stay though because that visit was really great for their
family. We talked to them about the importance of family scripture study
and attending church and for the first time in a really long time the
entire family was at a ward function and Church the next day! So the lord
really does bless our efforts!
Alright I am short on time so I will tell you about the highlight of my
week, the Luau! The missionaries in Gibsonia had this Luau planned to help
hasten the work if you will. The idea was to invite all of our
investigators and have all of the members bring friends and then after the
Hawaiian dinner we would have tour of the church. It was an amazing turn
out! So many people came and a good portion of our investigators showed up
as well. We even got a few people who wouldn't commit to coming to church
on Sunday to see that we don't sacrifice small children (or whatever crazy
rumor they believed) and actually give it a shot! It was fabulous!
The church is small out here, but the members are wonderful and extremely
involved which makes the missionary effort so much easier! I love it here
and I can't express how grateful I am for all the support I have had in
deciding to serve a mission. I could not be here if it wasn't for you Mom
and Dad! I love you both so much! My testimony of God's love for his
children is growing each day. I love you all and hope you have an amazing
week! Stay safe!
Love Always,
Sister Chelsea Upshaw!

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