Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

BAPTISM!! 10/17/2013

A lot of really great things happened this week, but I spent all of my time trying to send pictures that didn't actually send so I don't have too much time. Therefore, I shall just tell you about the highlight of my week which was D & D's baptism!! This family is ridiculously amazing! The missionaries before me knocked on there door and made the initial contact, but I have been able to teach them all of the lessons. Sister Nebeker and I refer to them as our family. The Mom and daughter were baptized years ago, but have been less active for about 9 years. Now D and their son D are members too and the entire family just LOVES the gospel! They are some of the strongest people I have ever met. ahhhhh Being a missionary is awesome! Speaking of baptisms... I just received the most WONDERFUL news that I have to say actually exceeds my excitement for the baptism of my investigators. My beautiful niece is going to be baptized?? I didn't even know Shell was taking the discussions! I literally started to cry and jump up and down when I read that (my district thinks I am kind of strange now...). Shell, if you are reading this I am so proud of you! Expect a letter from me soon!
Man, I just don't know what I could tell you about my week that tops those two things. So here is a kind of funny story that doesn't top those things in any way shape or form...
I am so grateful I wasn't called Spanish speaking!! We went on exchanges this week with the Hermanas in Loma Verde (We switched companions for a day). I was shipped to Spanish-landia and sister Nebeker stayed here. As you would expect ALL of the lessons were in Spanish. I understood a little and managed to utter a few sentences, but other than that I was lost! I just smiled and nodded and laughed when I thought it was appropriate, which worked wonderfully until this kid totally called me out on it! I was just smiling and nodding and then he turns and (in English) he goes, "Do you understand anything they are saying?" "Nope, not a word!" He just laughed and then said something in Spanish and then everyone else laughed. No Hablo espano! oh and then we locked the keys in the car and had to wait for someone to come unlock it, but it was okay because we knocked on a door and asked for water. They let us in, we taught, gave them a book of Mormon, and a potential investigator! Whoop whoop The lord blesses us for our trials! Which reminds me of a talk I heard in sacrament meeting yesterday.
The man speaking opened his talk with saying that trials and blessings are directly related. Sometimes God gives us trials so that we will turn to him and grow in our faith. If we allow trials to weaken our faith then it doesn't do us any good. God never gives us more than we can handle WITH HIS HELP! That's the key! For every trial we endure well, we will be rewarded 10000000 X over! It may not happen immediately, but it WILL happen!
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

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