Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A new Companion 11/4/2013

Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 16:38:57 -0500
Sister Peterson (my new companion) and I have decided we are going to be
Spanish sisters. We called president Cusick on Wednesday and told him about
all of the Spanish people in our area and told him we needed Spanish
sisters. He said okay! Get studying! So feel free to call me Hermana Upshaw
now! haha Just kidding! I'm pretty sure none of you fell for that... Maybe
Danae ;P But on the real we did get permission to study sign language! We
have been kind of teaching a woman who is deaf so now instead of a fun game
of charades we actually can have somewhat of a conversation! It is pretty
Kelsey got her mission call!!!!! Oh my goodness gracious! My best friend is
going to be the absolute greatest Hermana on the planet! Isn't she
awesome!? ahhh I LOVE YOU KELCKEN! Okay I am done now, but seriously I am
super excited for her! Then Jacob comes home soon, then Randy, then Dylan!
ahhhh All of my friends are great! Missions are great! Everyone is great!
Sorry I am such a spaz today! The weather has been overcast for 3 days now
and that is pretty much unheard of here. I WORE A JACKET TODAY! It was
rather exciting! I just love that it finally feels like fall! However, it
will be 89 degrees on Thursday so... It wont last too long. Oh well!
Alright so my week was pretty much awesome! It was hard to leave sister
Nebeker because she has had such an impact on my spiritual growth, but
sister Peterson is just as awesome! She is from Washington and has been out
for almost 9 months. It has been really cool to see how much I actually
know about this area. I was pretty stressed out about taking over the area,
but Sister Peterson and I have been able to pick it up like nothing
changed. I have been praying so hard for a greater love for each and every
person I meet as well as a better memory! (It sounds silly, but there is
just so much to remember!) Honestly I know the Lord has blessed me. I love
these people like family! Honestly I am so grateful for a loving father in
Heaven. I have felt his support so strongly this week.
I received a letter from Mom saying that two of the most amazing people in
my life were having medical problems. When I read that letter my head
started to spin. I love both of them so dearly and they both have impacted
my life so profoundly. I said a prayer to myself and just asked Heavenly
father to comfort me and to help me remain focused. Immediately I knew it
would be okay. I could literally feel my father's love surround me. I know
with all my heart that God is real. He is not some"mystical being" or
"idea" He lives and He is very much aware of each of His children. He
continues to assure me of that each day.
I love you all so very much. I hope you have a wonderful week and stay
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

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